
(Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
Following a Request from the President of the French Republic, and under the Leadership of Guillaume Gomez, the France Food Forum brought together Five Continents, over 170 Countries, all French Terroirs and all the Food Sectors at the Foot of the Eiffel Tower, from 7 to 10 September 2023...
Following a Request from the President of the French Republic, and under the Leadership of Guillaume Gomez, the France Food Forum brought together Five Continents, over 170 Countries, all French Terroirs and all the Food Sectors at the Foot of the Eiffel Tower, from 7 to 10 September 2023...
The Forum de France de l’Alimentation is a Celebration of the World’s Culinary Heritages, with a Series of Dedicated Areas and aWwide-Ranging Program.
• Over 6.000 square metres of Stands hosted by Countries and Regions
• Over 200 Cooking Shows, Performances, Dances and Concerts
• 40 Round Tables focusing on the main Food-Related Issues of the 21st Century
• An exhibition of Emblematic Cookbooks from 180 Countries
• Over 6.000 square metres of Stands hosted by Countries and Regions
• Over 200 Cooking Shows, Performances, Dances and Concerts
• 40 Round Tables focusing on the main Food-Related Issues of the 21st Century
• An exhibition of Emblematic Cookbooks from 180 Countries
* Musée de l’Homme
* Village International de la Gastronomie
* Pays présents / Countries at the Forum
* Grande Scène Culturelle / Big Cultural Scene
* Tables Rondes / Round Tables
* Bibliothèque culinaire mondiale / Food Cultures Library
* Espace Auguste Escoffier / Auguste Escoffier Pavilion
* Pôle des Associations de chefs français / French Chefs Pavilion
* Cités internationales de la gastronomie / International cities of gastronomy
* Marché International de Rungis et Union Mondiale des Marchés de Gros /
* Rungis International Market & the World Union of Wholesale Markets
* Musée de l’Homme
* Village International de la Gastronomie
* Pays présents / Countries at the Forum
* Grande Scène Culturelle / Big Cultural Scene
* Tables Rondes / Round Tables
* Bibliothèque culinaire mondiale / Food Cultures Library
* Espace Auguste Escoffier / Auguste Escoffier Pavilion
* Pôle des Associations de chefs français / French Chefs Pavilion
* Cités internationales de la gastronomie / International cities of gastronomy
* Marché International de Rungis et Union Mondiale des Marchés de Gros /
* Rungis International Market & the World Union of Wholesale Markets
The Musée de l’Homme aims to present Humanity in all its Anthropological and Cultural Diversity. As a Forum for Debate and an Agora open to all, it is the Ideal Place to tackle the Major Current Issues in the Human Sciences.
Gastronomy and, more broadly, the Question of Food on a Global Scale are an Integral Part of the Themes addressed by the Musée de l’Homme, with an Unrivalled Historical Depth. Not only in the Permanent Gallery, but also in the Auditorium, the Atrium and the Educational Workshops, Visitors can enjoy a Wide Range of Activities and Exchanges.
The Village International de la Gastronomie is once again setting up at the Foot of the Eiffel Tower. Under the High Patronage of the President of the French Republic, the Honorary Presidency of Stéphane Layani, President of Rungis International Market, and the Endorsement of chef Guy Savoy, the Village is the Biggest Culinary Diplomacy Event devoted to Traditional and Popular Cuisines.
The Village International de la Gastronomie is once again setting up at the Foot of the Eiffel Tower. Under the High Patronage of the President of the French Republic, the Honorary Presidency of Stéphane Layani, President of Rungis International Market, and the Endorsement of chef Guy Savoy, the Village is the Biggest Culinary Diplomacy Event devoted to Traditional and Popular Cuisines.
Every Year, the Village welcomes over 40,000 Visitors and showcases the Best Products, Chefs and Family Recipes from more than Fifty Countries. In 2023, the Village is tripling in Size to bring together even more Culinary Know-How and Terroirs.
Countries with their Own Pavillion
Afghanistan, Algérie, Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Arménie, Azerbaidjan, Brésil, Bulgarie, Cambodge, Canada, Cap-Vert, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Comores, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, El Salvador, Espagne, France, Gabon, Géorgie, Haïti, Hongrie, Inde, Indonésie, Italie, Japon, Laos, Liban, Madagascar, Malaisie, Mali, Maroc, Mexique, Pakistan, Paraguay, Pérou, Philippines, Portugal, Roumanie, Sénégal, Tchad, Tanzanie, Thailande, Togo, Tunisie, Turquie, Vénézuéla, Viet-Nam.
Countries with their Own Pavillion
Afghanistan, Algérie, Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Arménie, Azerbaidjan, Brésil, Bulgarie, Cambodge, Canada, Cap-Vert, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Comores, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, El Salvador, Espagne, France, Gabon, Géorgie, Haïti, Hongrie, Inde, Indonésie, Italie, Japon, Laos, Liban, Madagascar, Malaisie, Mali, Maroc, Mexique, Pakistan, Paraguay, Pérou, Philippines, Portugal, Roumanie, Sénégal, Tchad, Tanzanie, Thailande, Togo, Tunisie, Turquie, Vénézuéla, Viet-Nam.
Afrique du Sud, Albanie, Andorre, Angola, Antigua-et-Barbuda, Argentine, Australie, Bahamas, Bahreïn, Bangladesh, Barbade, Belgique, Belize, Bhoutan, Biélorussie, Birmanie, Bolivie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Canada, République centrafricaine, Chine, Chypre, République du Congo, Îles Cook,
Afrique du Sud, Albanie, Andorre, Angola, Antigua-et-Barbuda, Argentine, Australie, Bahamas, Bahreïn, Bangladesh, Barbade, Belgique, Belize, Bhoutan, Biélorussie, Birmanie, Bolivie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Canada, République centrafricaine, Chine, Chypre, République du Congo, Îles Cook,
Corée du Nord, Corée du Sud, Costa Rica, Danemark, Djibouti, République dominicaine, Dominique, Égypte, Émirats arabes unis, Équateur, Érythrée, Estonie, Eswatini, États-Unis, Éthiopie, Fidji, Finlande, Gambie, Ghana, Grèce,
Grenade, Guatemala, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Guinée équatoriale, Guyana, Honduras, Irak, Iran, Irlande, Islande, Israël, Jamaïque, Japon, Jordanie, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Laos, Lettonie, Liban, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macédoine du Nord, Malawi, Maldives, Malte, Maurice, Mauritanie, Moldavie, Monaco, Mongolie,
Namibie, Nauru, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Oman, Ouganda, Ouzbékistan, Pakistan, Panama, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Royaume-Uni, Rwanda, Serbie, Seychelles, Singapour, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse, Syrie, Tadjikistan, République tchèque, Trinité-et-Tobago, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uruguay, Zambie, Zimbabwe.
The Village’s Cultural Stage showcases Traditional Dance and Music from Each Country at the Foot of the Eiffel Tower. Over Four Days, a Succession of Incredibly Diverse Concerts and Shows delighted Visitors and Professionals.
The Village’s Cultural Stage showcases Traditional Dance and Music from Each Country at the Foot of the Eiffel Tower. Over Four Days, a Succession of Incredibly Diverse Concerts and Shows delighted Visitors and Professionals.
A Selection of Food Culture Books from 180 Countries were showcased in the Big Tent of the Village International de la Gastronomie during the Four Days of the France Food Forum. Founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau, and with over 100.000 Screened Books and Publications from some 230 Countries and Regions, the Gourmand Awards was bringing an Overview about Food and Drink Content published all around the World.
A Selection of Food Culture Books from 180 Countries were showcased in the Big Tent of the Village International de la Gastronomie during the Four Days of the France Food Forum. Founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau, and with over 100.000 Screened Books and Publications from some 230 Countries and Regions, the Gourmand Awards was bringing an Overview about Food and Drink Content published all around the World.
This Exhibition was an Opportunity to explore the Huge Diversity of Subjects, Styles, Angles, Recipes and Strategies of Each Country. It also pays Tribute to the many Professionals in the Sector, Authors, Publishers, Graphic Designers, Photographers, Printers, Researchers, Booksellers and all those who delight and astonish Readers with the Quality of their Books.
Few men in the History of Cooking have had such a Profound Impact on the Profession, both in Terms of the Length and Exemplary Nature of their Careers, and in Terms of the Changes and Innovations they have brought about. While today’s Tastes have evolved, as have Cooking Utensils, Cooking and Preserving Methods and the Structure of Menus, in a World where New Techniques have become established, the Rules of Cooking and the Organisation of Work remain Identical to those created by Auguste Escoffier in his Day.
Few men in the History of Cooking have had such a Profound Impact on the Profession, both in Terms of the Length and Exemplary Nature of their Careers, and in Terms of the Changes and Innovations they have brought about. While today’s Tastes have evolved, as have Cooking Utensils, Cooking and Preserving Methods and the Structure of Menus, in a World where New Techniques have become established, the Rules of Cooking and the Organisation of Work remain Identical to those created by Auguste Escoffier in his Day.
During the Forum de France de l’Alimentation, the Espace Escoffier brought together the Disciples Escoffier International and the Fondation Auguste Escoffier / Musée Escoffier de l’Art Culinaire around an Exhibition, a Round Table and a Pavilion with a Rich Programme of Cooking Shows by over 100 Disciples from all Over the World.
At the Heart of the Village International de la Gastronomie, the French Chefs Pavilion brought together French Chefs Associations. As a Showcase for Gastronomy from Mainland France and Overseas, the Chefs and Associations offered Cooking Shows based on Products from French Regions and promoting their Culinary Heritage.
At the Heart of the Village International de la Gastronomie, the French Chefs Pavilion brought together French Chefs Associations. As a Showcase for Gastronomy from Mainland France and Overseas, the Chefs and Associations offered Cooking Shows based on Products from French Regions and promoting their Culinary Heritage.
It was also a Place for Renowned and Admired Chefs to meet and exchange Ideas with the Younger Generation of Future Professionals in the Hotel and Restaurant Industry. An Pavilion designed by Marie Sauce-Bourreau.
France, Rich in the Diversity of its Agriculture, the Abundance of its Culinary Cultures and the Vitality of its Gastronomic Heritage, has created a Number of Living Facilities dedicated to the Culinary Cultures of France and the World.
France, Rich in the Diversity of its Agriculture, the Abundance of its Culinary Cultures and the Vitality of its Gastronomic Heritage, has created a Number of Living Facilities dedicated to the Culinary Cultures of France and the World.
Dijon, Lyon, Paris-Rungis and Tours have joined Forces and pooled their Energies to invent an Original and Effective Tool for transmitting and showcasing Food Culture. For the First Time, Food Heritage has been placed at the Heart of First-Class Cultural Facilities. The Emergence of the Cités de la Gastronomie, these New Cultural Venues entirely and fully dedicated to Food Heritage, illustrates France’s Commitment to promoting an Essential Dimension of its Culture.
Rungis International Market has played a Predominant Role in the Village since its First Edition in 2016. The Presence of Professionals from the Rungis Ecosystem is Decisive for many Countries wishing to trade with French Wholesalers and Distributors. Stéphane Layani, President of Rungis International Market and Chairman of the World Union of Wholesale Markets, has been the Village’s Honorary President since 2016.
Rungis International Market has played a Predominant Role in the Village since its First Edition in 2016. The Presence of Professionals from the Rungis Ecosystem is Decisive for many Countries wishing to trade with French Wholesalers and Distributors. Stéphane Layani, President of Rungis International Market and Chairman of the World Union of Wholesale Markets, has been the Village’s Honorary President since 2016.
The World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) is an International Network of Fresh Food and Products Organizations. 150 Wholesalers and 30 Retailers and Street Markets from around the World lead International Efforts to ensure Food Security as well as Healthy, Guaranteed and Accessible Diets for Everyone. Their Goal is to make sure that People around the World have Easy Access to High-Quality, Healthy Diets through a Well-Organized, Safe and Sustainable Food System. With 217 Members, WUWM works in over 42 Countries Worldwide, covering 5 Continents.
The World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) is an International Network of Fresh Food and Products Organizations. 150 Wholesalers and 30 Retailers and Street Markets from around the World lead International Efforts to ensure Food Security as well as Healthy, Guaranteed and Accessible Diets for Everyone. Their Goal is to make sure that People around the World have Easy Access to High-Quality, Healthy Diets through a Well-Organized, Safe and Sustainable Food System. With 217 Members, WUWM works in over 42 Countries Worldwide, covering 5 Continents.
Source: Village International De La Gastronomie @ Foot of the Eiffel Tower, from 7 to 10 September 2023.
Following a Request from the President of the French Republic, and under the Leadership of Guillaume Gomez.
Yasmina BEDDOU
Following a Request from the President of the French Republic, and under the Leadership of Guillaume Gomez.
Yasmina BEDDOU
Ruby Bird Yasmina Beddou September 2023 French Heritage Eiffel Tower Guillaume Gomez 7 10 Celebration World Regions Programs Exhibitions Food Gastronomy Sectors Celebration Culinary Heritages Forum De France De L Alimentation Issues
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