The most challenging task these days is being human.
It's a sorrowful time for all humans.

But there is still a way to create the peace …
We, as humans, haven't been good guests for the Earth.
These days, we are all in a very somber state of life, grappling with issues such as concerns about wars like the Ukraine conflict, human rights abuses by Putin, the assassination of Alexei Anatoljewitsch Nawalny, Israel's holy war against Hamas terrorists, atrocities of the Iranian Republic, and the figure Ali Khamenei.
But The rising cost of food, the existence of terrorist groups supported by the Iranian Republic, such as the Houthi rebels in Yemen and Hezbollah, and frightening changes in water and climatic conditions. Many lakes worldwide are drying up, and bizarre and deadly earthquakes, like the recent tragedy in Turkey, add to the distress.
Executing innocent youth for opposing the dictatorship in Iran, the brutality of North Korea, small and large conflicts in the Red Sea, the memory lapses of President Biden, the violence perpetrated by supporters of Hamas terrorists globally—all these factors have severely impacted humanity.
These days, we are all in a very somber state of life, grappling with issues such as concerns about wars like the Ukraine conflict, human rights abuses by Putin, the assassination of Alexei Anatoljewitsch Nawalny, Israel's holy war against Hamas terrorists, atrocities of the Iranian Republic, and the figure Ali Khamenei.
But The rising cost of food, the existence of terrorist groups supported by the Iranian Republic, such as the Houthi rebels in Yemen and Hezbollah, and frightening changes in water and climatic conditions. Many lakes worldwide are drying up, and bizarre and deadly earthquakes, like the recent tragedy in Turkey, add to the distress.
Executing innocent youth for opposing the dictatorship in Iran, the brutality of North Korea, small and large conflicts in the Red Sea, the memory lapses of President Biden, the violence perpetrated by supporters of Hamas terrorists globally—all these factors have severely impacted humanity.
The world is facing one of its most vulnerable moments.
These days, many people wear a deceptive mask of laughter on their faces, but if we look into the reality in their minds and souls and investigate, the truth is entirely different. The majority of people are grappling with challenges such as fake laughter, deceptive dances, and artificial joys, and deep down, most humans are quite sorrowful.Humanity:
Humans still yearn to love each other, but as we explore some of the many reasons briefly in the continuation of the article, we realize that humans are entangled in a strange historical twist, experiencing increased distance and a significant surge in hatred and envy among them.
Do we really no longer love each other? Have we lost the most beautiful human emotions, such as giving, trusting, helping others, and expressing love?
As the author of this article, I prefer not to impose my emotions and personal opinions. Therefore, in response to the question of whether we still love our fellow humans and the Earth, I can provide a concise answer by comparing historical events in the past and present.
1.The Underground Railroad (19th Century :
The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by African American slaves to escape to freedom in the 19th century.
Conductors, many of whom were free African Americans or sympathetic whites, risked their lives to help slaves reach Northern states or Canada.
This historical example exemplifies humanity's kindness and the commitment to helping others in the pursuit of freedom.
2. The Japanese Schindler
Chiune Sugihara (1940): During World War II, Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat stationed in Lithuania, defied his government's orders and issued visas to thousands of Jewish refugees, allowing them to escape.
Sugihara's courageous act saved numerous lives and serves as a testament to individual kindness in the face of widespread adversity.
The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by African American slaves to escape to freedom in the 19th century.
Conductors, many of whom were free African Americans or sympathetic whites, risked their lives to help slaves reach Northern states or Canada.
This historical example exemplifies humanity's kindness and the commitment to helping others in the pursuit of freedom.
2. The Japanese Schindler
Chiune Sugihara (1940): During World War II, Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat stationed in Lithuania, defied his government's orders and issued visas to thousands of Jewish refugees, allowing them to escape.
Sugihara's courageous act saved numerous lives and serves as a testament to individual kindness in the face of widespread adversity.
3. The Peaceful Revolution in East Germany (1989):The Peaceful Revolution in East Germany, leading to the fall of the Berlin Wall, demonstrated the power of collective kindness and unity.
Citizens from East and West Germany, along with international support, peacefully protested for political change, ultimately leading to the reunification of Germany. This historic event highlights the impact of kindness, cooperation, and the pursuit of shared values on a global scale.
Citizens from East and West Germany, along with international support, peacefully protested for political change, ultimately leading to the reunification of Germany. This historic event highlights the impact of kindness, cooperation, and the pursuit of shared values on a global scale.
What has led us to this level of sorrow?
The decline in public discourse about kindness could be influenced by various factors. Authoritarian governments, lack of credibility, and societal unrest might contribute to a decrease in public expressions of kindness. Additionally, the prevalence of conflicts, political tensions, and economic challenges globally can overshadow positive narratives. It's essential to recognize these factors and work towards fostering a culture that values and promotes kindness despite these obstacles.Look at the tragedy of wars in the past 24 years and think.
When I think about these events, it seems incredibly bizarre, but these incidents have indeed occurred, creating a sense of sadness, gloom, and terror among all humans today.
Let's reflect on the crimes committed by ISIS terrorists, who mercilessly killed innocent people in front of live cameras.
Consider the extremist Islamist groups that gained power in Afghanistan, forming a government.
One of the most heart-wrenching tragedies was the moment a father sent his daughter to American soldiers,
also think about the three peoples who had hidden under an airplane amidst its wheels to fly to America.
When the plane took off, they are took a fall down and they returned to God hands.
Or think about the tragedy of Mahsa Amini in Iran, an innocent girl who had committed no crime.
Despite her observance of Islamic hijab, she was arrested, brutally beaten, and killed. Following her death, approximately 700 of Iran's best youth protested against the way Mahsa Amini was killed. They faced brutal suppression from the Iranian regime, and military bullets were fired at people who were peacefully protesting for justice and freedom. After that, executions of Iranian protesters by the oppressive religious regime of Khamenei continued, and the killing of children in Iran, such as 9-year-old Kian Pirfalak shot by the merciless suppressor Khamenei and 3-year-old Mona Naqib killed by direct gunfire from the oppressive forces of the Islamic regime,
Another girl named Nika shah Karami , who was only 16 years old, loved singing passionately, like most Iranian teenagers. She was a courageous and beautiful girl who was abducted by the forces of Ali Khamenei, and they sexually assaulted her extensively. Finally, they threw her down
from the top of a building and killed her.
Despite her observance of Islamic hijab, she was arrested, brutally beaten, and killed. Following her death, approximately 700 of Iran's best youth protested against the way Mahsa Amini was killed. They faced brutal suppression from the Iranian regime, and military bullets were fired at people who were peacefully protesting for justice and freedom. After that, executions of Iranian protesters by the oppressive religious regime of Khamenei continued, and the killing of children in Iran, such as 9-year-old Kian Pirfalak shot by the merciless suppressor Khamenei and 3-year-old Mona Naqib killed by direct gunfire from the oppressive forces of the Islamic regime,
Another girl named Nika shah Karami , who was only 16 years old, loved singing passionately, like most Iranian teenagers. She was a courageous and beautiful girl who was abducted by the forces of Ali Khamenei, and they sexually assaulted her extensively. Finally, they threw her down
from the top of a building and killed her.
And a 28-year-old youth named Khodanor Lejeei, who was tied to a pole in the prison yard for opposing the dictatorial religious system of Khamenei. They placed a glass of water in front of him, but he never reached the glass of water, and after 40 hours of thirst, he died.
occurred. Similarly, numerous other cases unfolded in Iran.
These tragic events depict a bleak picture of our current reality, showcasing the profound pain and suffering experienced by individuals in different parts of the world.
Events such as earthquakes in Turkey, wars, and brutal attacks by terrorists like Hamas, supported by the Iranian government and Ali Khamenei. The launching of Iranian missiles by Houthi terrorists in Yemen, disrupting the transportation system, rising food prices, and the main events of the war in Ukraine. The ruthless and baseless aggression of Putin against Ukraine, leading to the displacement of many innocent people in this country. Abundant evidence indicates Russia's involvement in this human atrocity, with drones similar to those made by the Islamic Republic of Iran and IRGC terrorists. Russia is currently attacking Ukraine with the same drones, and the Ayatollahs' regime in Iran strongly supports this crime. Also, the civil war in Sudan and, before these events, the widespread COVID-19 virus, which significantly impacted humans worldwide, leaving many of us depressed and isolated. Still, we had hoped that after the pandemic, we might be a bit kinder to each other, understanding that the power of empathy, kindness, hugs, being together, and holding each other's hands is uplifting and beautiful.
However, our world did not fulfill that wish, and it became stranger, more brutal, and more merciless after COVID-19. It seems politicians have forgotten that death is universal, even for the wealthiest, the most knowledgeable, and the best and worst kings in history. No one retains power in this world forever, yet the names and sacred contributions many scientists made to this world, even though they are no longer alive, remain with us. Can anyone forget Zakaria Razi, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, or Tesla in a negative light? We always celebrate them. But is there anyone who remembers a criminal in a positive light? Why have we forgotten that in life, we are obligated to build a better future for future generations? Why have we forgotten that no one lives forever? Why have we forgotten that kindness, forgiveness, love, and honesty are the only needs for a human to live in peace?
Questions have arisen for me that are very distressing.
The first question is,Did humans not invent money? What was the reason for inventing money? To live more comfortably and have a life with justice.
Did we humans not invent cars ourselves? What was the reason for inventing cars? To live more comfortably and have peace.
Did humans not create the internet, virtual spaces, social networks, and online communications? What was the reason for this invention? To connect, show kindness, teach love and culture, and have a more comfortable life.
But, in the end, all these inventions have led to the destruction of humanity, a decline in human emotions, and the demise of humanity.
Just sit in a restaurant from 10 am to 10 pm; undoubtedly, you'll see people who have come to the restaurant just to take photos and announce to others what they are doing in their private lives! It is a tragedy that we haven't learned yet that all these social networks are for improving human relationships and for scientific progress. It is heartbreaking that in a restaurant, we take pictures and videos of ourselves eating with family and then share them for others to see!
It is horrifying and terrifying that we go to see the best music performers to enjoy ourselves and be happy, but during the entire concert, our phones are in our hands, recording videos, and we watch our own concert from the phone screen. Meanwhile, our followers on social media are watching it live!
It is horrifying that we have forgotten to read books, and our most significant challenges are creating contentless clips on social media pages just to gain the approval of others!
It is horrifying that we go on trips and only engage in filming and taking pictures to prove to others where we have been!
All of these topics have gradually led to the death of humanity.
All of these topics have gradually led to the death of humanity.
Take a look at the news; which news talks about environmental happiness?Which news explains that leopards are not on the verge of extinction?
Which news joyfully describes a group of young people worldwide reaching scientific achievements and creating new inventions, such as one that could eliminate the sense of hatred and animosity?
Which news highlights the decrease in cancer disease and the informing that use of substances like cigarettes and drugs among teenagers is reduced?
Which news are highlighted that depression is reduced?
No news these days has positive aspects.
We must believe that we have gone the wrong way, and it's too soon for us to reach sciences like social networks. It's too soon for us to love and care; instead, our whole focus is on competing with others and not helping each other.
Nevertheless, I still believe that it is possible to think about humanity, love, and a world without war, and this aspiration can be realized. This can happen because countries like the G7 are well aware of the dangers of religious extremism. They are also tired of regimes such as dictatorships, communism, and Islamic regimes. They are currently working to promote peace. Of course, the first and most important way to create peace is through teaching peace and kindness, adhering to ethical principles and culture, promoting human and social values, respecting citizenship rights, caring for the environment, and achieving a healthy level in society. Reducing cultural poverty and creating people's groups and parties that can defend citizens' rights.
The reason I am still hopeful is that we, as humans, have accepted having an international language for communication. People worldwide speak English well, and paying taxes is one of the most important social issues. As I mentioned, we created money ourselves to have a better life, not to brag and compete against each other. Regular tax payments under people's control and seeing and feeling their positive effects in society can bring peace to all citizens of a country because poverty is eradicated. With the eradication of poverty, the human cycle moves forward, and people strive to have a peaceful and progressive life. In high-level countries like the United States, Germany, and Japan, it can be seen that all people have relatively good peace, even though this cycle does not work 100% globally. However, by understanding positive changes and emulating governance types and emphasizing citizens' rights and the importance of life and health in countries where people have realized how much paying taxes can have positive effects, slowly we can bring peace to the whole world.
What are the best solutions?
It must be taught to all countries, and corrupt systems, such as the regime of Ali Khamenei, one of the most corrupt regimes in human history, must be rooted out. As mentioned earlier, the dictatorial and insane regime of Ali Khamenei and the terrorist IRCG are responsible for all the brutal wars in the Middle East. They are also the main and most serious supporters of Putin in Russia's war and crime against Ukraine. This is crucial because, as long as extremist, corrupt, totalitarian, and dictatorial regimes are in power, complete peace cannot be achieved on Earth. Therefore, this issue must be essential for all humans, and support for the people of Iran is needed to eliminate the Khamenei regime, so that we can reach a level of peace across the globe.And since these days we witness disappointing news, undoubtedly, a change in a large and civilized country like Iran, which is one of the biggest countries with abundant natural resources like oil, gas, and many others, can bring down the totalitarian regime and Khamenei's dictatorship.
This can be a beacon of hope for people across the globe, as it creates a vast amount of jobs and employment opportunities. As mentioned in the article, many wars, such as the war in Yemen, conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Erbil, and the Holy Land of Israel, are directly related to the existence of the Khamenei regime and the person Ali Khamenei. He directly supports all these terrorist wars against humanity. If we witness the fall of Ali Khamenei, the terrorists of the IRCG will be removed from the power scene, and we can confidently declare that the world will experience a long period of peace.
Many people and global companies will start building and reconstructing a vast land, as vast as Iran, which is in dire need of change and reconstruction. Additionally, all neighboring countries of Iran, such as Syria, Iraq, and others, will contribute to bringing joy and peace to all humans and countries.
Many people and global companies will start building and reconstructing a vast land, as vast as Iran, which is in dire need of change and reconstruction. Additionally, all neighboring countries of Iran, such as Syria, Iraq, and others, will contribute to bringing joy and peace to all humans and countries.
Therefore, we must remain hopeful and wait for this positive event to unfold. Afterward, every day we can write good news about the Earth, life, and the importance of humanity, witnessing a world filled with peace.
Thank you for your valuable time in reading this article, hoping for global peace and tranquility for all humans on Earth.
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